Weightloss is boring

Yesterday was a rough day. Well rough sounds dramatic, but it was a low kind of day. I just kept looking at myself in the mirror, feeling like this is taking forever.

That I look the same, that nothing is changing and I don’t know if it ever will.

Now, I'm used to these kind of thoughts...and I know they are lies and not the truth. I mean I have photos on photos, and videos on videos of seeing just how much I've changed over time.

but man, I still have these moments.

Especially when it seems like weight loss just takes so dang long. Having 100lbs to lose, heck having any major amount of weight to lose where it can take years of concentrated effort, years of building habits and slow but gradual change, is freaking hard. Even when you're seeing success, it still can be hard.

Change happens so slow, and sometimes its happening but we can't even see it, and yesterday was one of those days for me. I stared at myself in the mirror, and I just couldn't see it.

And the hopelessness of it all just got the better of me.

sigh Weight loss is such a long and boring process. It's like watching paint dry.

I know the issue is me even thinking about "losing the weight", when this is really about building better habits, & practicing living a healthy lifestyle; all of which I've done, and continue to do, but it still just takes so much time...

I know I shouldn't fixate on losing the weight, on finally being a size I like, or going clothes shopping and wearing what I want, and all these frivolous moments of vanity. But sometimes it's hard not to, and somedays this just seems like it's taking forever.

- from the diary of a girl who is bored, and ready to celebrate more victories that don’t revolve around the scale.

