Being a woman that lifts weights, counts calories, tries to eat healthy and watch what you’re eating will very easily put you among the minority in your workplace, at school, and in most social settings. If you choose to grab a salad and fish at dinner when you eat out, your coworkers, your spouse, and family members might watch you and think… “oh she must be on a diet”. Unfortunately, being fitness-minded is not the norm, and grabbing a salad, and eating your fruits and veggies is not something many of us do “normally”. And this can make embarking on a health journey hard. We oftentimes feel like we are the lone wolf and must exclude ourselves from the pack in order to hit our health goals. The world around us doesn’t seem to prioritize living a healthy lifestyle, and we are the odd ones out for trying to be healthier (which s actually quite insane when you think about it right?!)

So many of us embark on our fitness journeys’ alone, but I’m here to tell you that you dont have to. You may need to put in some effort, but finding a community of like minded women is SO worth it. We are in a day and age where you can connect with people from all over the globe. You may not have peers in your vicinity who enjoy talking about new exciting recipes, or how much their new squat PR was, but you’re only a few clicks away from finding a likeminded community online.

I spent many years pursuing fitness and feeling alone. Finding community on Youtube and social media helped, but what helped even more was joining gyms focused on community. Crossfit gyms, Powerlifting gyms, even now with my Calisthenics classes and running clubs. Finding small communities with others who had a passion for the same things I did was very empowering.

Good communities are powerful because they make it harder to skip out on a session and to miss a class. This is why joining sports is so powerful and fun! If you miss a practice, other members will notice and will talk to you about why you failed to show up. I know the importance of finding community and being able to have a place to turn to for support. This is why I started my community members group and am inviting you to check it out.

Lasting behavior change does not occur in a bubble. If you feel like you are alone in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, put in effort to change that! Make friends at your gym, find communities online, start sharing your love for this new fit life with those around you and who knows… you may inspire them and find a kind listening ear.

Assignment #8

Pay attention to the people you choose to surround yourself with. If you’re not part of a good community yet, I encourage you to do some work now to find a local or online community. Facebook, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram and TikTok are great places to start. Who do you have in your life that can uplift you, support you and understand the change you’re making in your life?

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